Vidya Jyoti

VJ Ghana

Since December 2021, Vidya Jyoti has undertaken a water project in two regions of Ghana, Africa – Volta and Eastern region.

Volta Region

Volta region has a total of 18 districts. Vidya Jyoti focused its work
in one district called North Tongu. Twelve existing boreholes were repaired by installing new, high quality handpumps, while three new boreholes were drilled with a new handpump and concrete platform installed. 15 villages, with a total population of approximately 18,100 villagers were provided with clean water in North Tongu.

Eastern Region

Of the 33 districts in the Eastern region of Ghana, Vidya Jyoti carried out work in four districts (circled). Three new hand pumps were installed after boreholes were dug and platforms installed, and eight existing boreholes were repaired by installing new high quality handpumps. This has provided clean water across 11 villages to a total population of approximately 13,400 villagers.

Food distribution

In addition to providing clean drinking water, Vidya Jyoti has distributed food parcels to various slum localities.

Menstruation –
a fundamental truth of life

We were saddened to learn from our African team that many girls in Ghana do not attend school when they are menstruating due to a lack of sanitation facilities, products and proper awareness around menstruation. Many of the girls were reusing old pieces of cloth instead of sanitary products. The African team, therefore, ran workshops, with the support of a local nurse, to educate women and girls on the importance of maintaining hygiene during periods and how to use the products correctly. Sanitary products were then distributed amongst girls of menstruating age.

Stationary distribution

Many children who were attending village schools in Ghana could not afford basic stationary, so Vidya Jyoti sponsored the purchase of stationary which our African team sourced and distributed.